A local charity for local people

The Haywood Foundation is based in Staffordshire and aims to improve the wellbeing of local people with arthritis and related conditions by promoting and funding local research within the field of rheumatology.

"Supporting the lives of those living and caring for people with arthritis and related conditions"

The Haywood Foundation is a local charity for local people.
We are based at the Haywood Hospital, in Burslem, Stoke on Trent and aim to support the lives of those living and caring for people with arthritis and related conditions. Everything we do is possible only through the generosity of those who donate to the charity, and those who give their time to help support the charity’s aims.

Our aims


Raise awareness of arthritis and related conditions in the health community both locally and nationally


Help people with arthritis and related conditions, their families, their carers, and their healthcare providers


Support and invest in research which aims to improve the health and well-being of people with arthritis and related conditions.

Support Innovation

Support initiatives and innovations which directly improve the health and well-being of people with conditions, their families and their carers.

Support Education

Support the education, development, recruitment and retention of highly skilled and motivated individuals who provide care to people with arthritis and related conditions at the Haywood hospital and elsewhere.

How we work

The charity is supported through the work of volunteers who give their time as ‘Committee’ members and ‘Trustees’.
The committee meets on a bimonthly basis to consider the requests for support that have been received.
The committee considers such requests against the aims of the charity and benefit to its local populations as well as against the funds available to the charity.

We are always looking for new ways in which we can support the aims of the charity and all suggestions are very welcome.

Haywood news