What your money has helped to achieve

This section looks at some great initiatives, projects and equipment that the Haywood Foundation has funded to benefit people with arthritis and related conditions.

PIER centre

Our volunteers work in the PIER (patient information and educational resource) Centre which is currently located at Bradwell Hospital.
The PIER is easily accessible and provides a wealth of information for all service users.)

World Arthritis Day

In 2018, to celebrate World Arthritis Day we held an information event for patients and carers.

You can watch our video of the event:


 The PIER is staffed by volunteers and provides patients, their families and carers with access to information on arthritis and related conditions. The centre also provides information on national and community support groups and sources of advice.

Free to Use

The PIER facilities are free to use and are available to all visitors, patients, and staff at the Haywood Hospital.


Other areas of assistance include signposting to a range of mental health support facilities and a wide range of self-management and wellbeing information that is regularly updated.

Opening Times

Currently Monday to Wednesday 9.30am to 12.30pm

Online Access

Our online PIER can be found here:

PIER Centre Online

Wheelchair Access

The PIER centre is open to all. 

Working in Partnership with the Beth Johnson Foundation

The need for local people with arthritis to have access to information to manage their condition was identified by a group of patients at the Haywood hospital. We worked in partnership with the Beth Johnson Foundation to scope and deliver the patient information and education and resource (PIER). The PIER is managed by June Brammar in a secondment arrangement with the Beth Johnson Foundation.

Click here to access the Beth Johnson Foundation website

DXA scanner

In 1997 the Haywood Foundation made a donation to the hospital, to fund a DXA scanner at a cost of £89,500. The scanner is used to measure bone density and diagnose osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where bones are weaker and may be more likely to break after a trip or fall.

This purchase was very important to the patients of North Staffordshire. Before the installation of the scanner, patients had to travel to Oswestry or Cannock for a scan.

The purchase has sowed the seeds for development of a specialist osteoporosis interest at the hospital.

Now, the specialist Haywood Metabolic Bone Centre, temporarily located at Bradwell hospital, includes the osteoporosis and fracture Liaison Service (fracture prevention).

The service now:

The service now:

2 DXA scanners, scanning over 5000 patients a year

14 members of staff

An international Gold Award for Best Practice

Working partnership with Keele’s Osteoporosis Research Group

Completed research

The Foundation funds locally based research projects related to arthritis and related conditions.

This report summarises our funded projects and highlights some of our achievements. Click here to download the report.

Examples of completed funded projects below:

Examples of completed funded projects below:

Epigenetic factors in rheumatoid arthritis

A previously funded study focused on the role of epigenetic factors (factors which cause changes to the DNA/genes) in the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). For the first time, they discovered previously unknown disease-specific changes to the DNA in T-cells and B-cells from patients with RA. Identification of these new targets contributed to a better understanding of the factors involved in joint inflammation and damage, and will be important for the development of new therapies.


The INCLUDE study led by Professor Samantha Hider, was focused on whether it was possible to undertake a nurse led review in primary care for people with one of five common inflammatory conditions (including rheumatoid arthritis, PMR, GCA, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis) that would look for and help people manage common conditions that occur with arthritis such as heart disease, anxiety and depression and osteoporosis. The study showed that other conditions were common. Patients found the review to be acceptable and helpful and people having a review were more likely to be receiving treatment for these other conditions at follow up. This initial funding has enabled further research funding from the West Midlands Clinical Research Network.

The Impact of COVID 19 on people with arthritis

The foundation has funded two linked studies to examine the impact of COVID 19 on people with inflammatory arthritis such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. First, Professor Sarah Ryan is leading an interview study to explore how the pandemic has affected the lives of people living with RA. Second, the Foundation has funded a survey of people with inflammatory conditions, led by Professor Samantha Hider to explore the impact of the pandemic on people’s health, wellbeing and how they manage their arthritis.

Ongoing Research

The Foundation funds locally based research projects related to arthritis and related conditions.

Examples of ongoing funded projects below:

Improving communication of risk and benefits of osteoporosis medicines (iFraP)

This study, led by Dr Zoe Paskins, aims to develop and test a new computer tool for clinicians to use in consultations, to support conversations about osteoporosis medicines. This tool will include pictures to better describe a patient’s personal fracture risk, how this risk would improve with treatment, and explain the possible harms of treatment. The tool will be tested in a trial to see if it is acceptable and practical to deliver. The initial funding from the Foundation, enabled this study to gain further grants from the Royal Osteoporosis Society and the National Institute for Health Research.

New Portal To Help Arthritis Patients

The Haywood Arthritis Portal – a new online system for people with inflammatory arthritis treated by the Haywood Rheumatology team

The Rheumatology Team at the Haywood Hospital have recently launched a new online system for people with inflammatory arthritis, called the “Haywood arthritis portal”. This exciting new system was developed using funding from the Haywood Foundation.

Inflammatory arthritis groups together conditions causing joint inflammation. There are many types of inflammatory arthritis. The commonest ones are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondylarthritis (inflammation of the spine).

The Portal is a secure online system that allows people to enter information about their arthritis and health using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. It is available at the following link: https://proms.mpft.nhs.uk/.

People with a diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis who are cared for by the Haywood Rheumatology Team are invited to register and complete a Portal health entry in the week before their appointment. This information is then transferred to their electronic medical records, where it is viewed by the healthcare professional treating them at their “remote” or in-person appointment.

The portal allows people to report their arthritis symptoms and helps their doctors or nurses understand how their arthritis is affecting them. This means they are better able to help them.

The portal is currently being piloted in a limited number of outpatient clinics. The rheumatology team will then use these findings to improve the Portal before making it more widely available.

Dr Ian Scott (pictured), the Consultant Rheumatologist leading on the portal’s development said: “Inflammatory arthritis has many different impacts on peoples’ lives. It can be hard to assess these fully in a short follow-up appointment. The information people enter in the portal will give us a much better understanding of how their arthritis is doing and how it is affecting them. This will help us provide them with the best possible care. I am very excited to be able to make this new online system available to our patients and am grateful to the Haywood Foundation for funding this important project”.

Watch this video below for more information:

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