
As a local charity, The Haywood Foundation could help support your ideas with funding.

Ideas may include local research within the field of rheumatology, the development of local facilities for patients, support for the education and development of health professionals and importantly, projects which engage the local population to promote the health and well-being of patients and their carers.

In this section you will find more details and how to apply.

Funding for research and innovation

Haywood Foundation Grants Funding Scheme

Grant funding is available to applications that are aligned to the Haywood Foundation’s strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of patients with arthritis and related conditions, and their carers, living in our locality. 

The Haywood Foundation will consider investment in research and innovation into arthritis and related conditions that relates to: local patient priorities; that recruits patients from the Haywood population; and/or that involves Haywood staff.

If you are uncertain as to whether your proposal meets these criteria and would like informal feedback before a full submission, we welcome initial inquiries. Please outline your idea and proposal on no more than one side of A4 and email to [email protected].

If the Charity feels your proposal is within scope, you will be invited to submit a full application.

Click here to download the application form

Funding for healthcare professionals

Training bursaries

Pat Grimsley bursary

The Pat Grimsley Educational Bursaries

1) This bursary is to support nurses and allied health professionals who are undertaking a rheumatology related MSc or the ASPiRE course at Keele University

2) All applicants must be working in the field of Rheumatology / Musculoskeletal conditions and expect to remain in the specialty for at least another 2 years.

These bursaries have supported nurses in the UK to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in providing evidence based care for patients with a rheumatological conditions
Click here to download the application form

Educational bursary

Rheumatology courses, conferences and study days

The Foundation also provides bursaries for doctors, nurses and allied health professionals working at, or local to the Haywood Hospital to attend rheumatology related courses, conferences and study days.

Click here to download the application form

Haywood Foundation Grants Funding Scheme

Grant funding is available to applications that are aligned to the Haywood Foundation’s strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of patients with arthritis and related conditions, and their carers, living in our locality. 

The Haywood Foundation will consider investment in research and innovation into arthritis and related conditions that relates to: local patient priorities; that recruits patients from the Haywood population; and/or that involves Haywood staff.

If you are uncertain as to whether your proposal meets these criteria and would like informal feedback before a full submission, we welcome initial inquiries. Please outline your idea and proposal on no more than one side of A4 and email to [email protected].

If the Charity feels your proposal is within scope, you will be invited to submit a full application.

Click here to download the application form

Click here to see the criteria with which we appraise and score applications and our term and conditions


Examples of successful grant applications include

  • Using Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis at the Haywood Hospital – a Clinical Innovation Project.

  • Exploring the Views of Expectations of Young Adults in a Rheumatology Follow Up Clinic (YARC).

  • IFRAP: Optimising decision-making and communication about bisphosphonates in consultations: development and evaluation of a computerised decision support tool.

  • Integrating and improving care for patients with inflammatory rheumatological disorders in the community: A pilot trial.

Funding for patients and public

Have you got a great idea?

We want to enhance the lives of people with arthritis and related conditions. As a local charity, The Haywood Foundation could support your ideas with funding. Your Bright Ideas will be reviewed every quarter by The Haywood Foundation Committee.
We would love to hear from you!

This could be any amount up to £10,000

Your Bright Ideas will be reviewed every quarter by The Haywood Foundation

We would love to hear from you – simply fill in the form below or ask for a ‘Bright Idea’ card from the PIER, or contact June Brammar
079298 75554 / [email protected]

Examples of successful Bright ideas requests that have been funded:

  • Baby/toddler highchair for visitors’ children’s use in Haywood cafeteria.

  • 30 armchairs for patient use in rheumatology waiting areas.

  • Bespoke wheelchair for individual’s use.

  • Weekly Community Tai Chi sessions – Leek, Burslem and Newcastle.

  • Outdoor garden furniture, parasol and base for patient use at Bradwell Hospital.

Clinical and/or clinical academic posts

The Foundation will consider funding for innovative posts connected to Midlands Partnership University Foundation Trust (MPFT) that are in line with the strategic objectives of the charity.
Download the application form here

We will also consider matched funding for PhDs. Please find the application form below:
Download the application form here

Click here to download the criteria with which we appraise and score applications and our term and conditions

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