The Haywood Foundation held its first themed event of 2022 at the Port Vale Foundation Hub on April 29th. The theme of the event, titled ‘Nutrition and Eating Well’ was nutrition, arthritis and the work of the Haywood Foundation.
The event, attended by over 40 people, included a range leaflets, information and signposting to healthy eating as well as arthritis support and information and demonstrations on eating on a budget. Foundation volunteers were very creative as they designed posters, helped with the information display, produced recipe cards and chatted to visitors. Patricia Callaghan bought her PC along and promoted the Beefree website, BeeFree | Welcome To Beefree which also has references to healthy eating.
The visitors to the event were mostly from the local area of Burslem, many attending the weekly food bank which is held at the venue. Over the past few months volunteers have got to know many of the families attending and were able to talk to them about food choices and menus to make quick nutritious meals.
The next information event takes place in July. The theme is mental health titled ‘Its ok not to be ok’.